Introducing Our Latest Online Learning Module

NCCMT online learning modules!

Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence

The latest in our series of online learning modules is based on one of NCCMT’s most popular resources: It worked there. Will it work here? Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence, commonly known as the A&T tool.

Who is this module for?

Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence is a free, interactive and self-paced module designed for public health practitioners, program managers/directors and staff responsible for finding and assessing research evidence to support decisions about public health interventions.

This module joins our suite of online learning resources designed to support each step of the evidence-informed public health (EIPH) process. This module focuses on the fifth step: Adapt.

What will you learn?

Before you adopt an intervention—even one that has been proven to be effective in a particular situation—you need to know if you can expect similar results in your target population. Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence leads you through a realistic public health scenario to determine if the results achieved in one setting can be expected in another.

Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence gives you the knowledge you need to decide if the research evidence you find can be applied to your population. You will also learn how to incorporate political, social, financial, and organizational considerations into the decisions you make. This module will lead you through questions such as:

As with all NCCMT online learning modules, you can

What’s new in the Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence module?

Like other modules, Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence uses a realistic scenario and several interactivities to support learning. However, this module also incorporates several additional features that enhance the experience. For example, you consider multiple profiles to complete the scenario, allowing you to explore the situation from different perspectives.

This module also makes use of the “group function” currently available in the NCCMT Learning Centre. While the module can be completed by an individual, we encourage you to complete the module with colleagues for a more complete and realistic experience.

Check out the preview video. In two minutes, you’ll see just what this module is all about. Or go straight to the Learning Centre to begin Assessing the Applicability and Transferability of Evidence now!