Using evidence in decision making: a story from Peel Public Health

Using evidence in decision making: a story from Peel Public Health

new series of webcasts illustrate Peel’s (sometimes bumpy) road of EIDM

We spoke to Bev Bryant, manager of education and research at Peel Public Health, about some of the challenges and the rewards of the EIDM process. Those conversations are captured in a series of short videos.

Bev uses the story of a media campaign intended to promote breastfeeding illustrate the ups and downs of EIDM. It’s a story that she says "provides a good example of some of the angst and the difficult process of evidence-informed decision making,"

To watch the Peel Public Health webcasts, see Stories from the Field here;

To learn more about evidence-informed decision making in public health, click here

The NCCMT is grateful to Bev and to Peel Public Health for sharing this story. We welcome stories from other public health organizations who are working through the process of EIPH. If you think your health unit’s story could benefit others in the field, please consider sharing with us. We can help you to tell your story in a format that works for you. Contact Jeannie Mackintosh for more information.